Who is ready for the holidays? I am! I know we all get used to the traditional red and green holiday décor, but I like to do things a little differently; I'm all about the neutrals and adding a few unexpected materials. Next time you are thinking about adding a few pieces to your seasonal décor, try heading to the hardware store instead.
Taryn from Design, Dining, and Diapers made this unique piece of décor using plywood, paint, nails, and copper wire. This is an easy and inexpensive project that can be easily customized.
One of my favorite parts of the project is the shimmer paint. I think it adds a nice contrast to the industrial feel and softens it up a bit.
Supplies for this project:
(4) 6"X6" pieces of plywood
Silver Paint
17 small finishing nails
Copper wire

I started by painting the plywood in shimmer paint and letting it dry. I gave it a light coat so I could still see the wood grain.

Now it's time to measure and hammer in the nails. I left a 1"-1 1/2" margin around the letters and put a nail where each point of the letter would be. In the image above you get to see where I put the nails for each letter.

To create the letters, I wrapped thin copper wire around the nail and then wrapped it around the nails to create the shape of each letter. You can make this as thick or as thin as you want.
When you’re done, you will have a very unique typography piece to add to your holiday décor. Maybe try painting the wood a different color or use gold or black wire for a different look!

FYI these are a little too heavy to stand on their side so you would either need to hang them on a wall or prop them against an object. They would be a fun addition to prop on your mantel with a garland for holiday décor.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Now that you're finished, how about a bigger industrial project? We have a great one, It will lead to a slower, more wholesome, healthier, and more meaningful lifestyle. What we can offer is a “turn-key” business opportunity.

A buyer can step into an established and professionally managed business and take off with it. New owners and new ideas would grow the business into new areas. We want to sell the business with its established reputation and customer base, the building, all the fixtures and equipment (computers, pipe threading equipment, custom paint tinting, tools, and supplies), and all of the antiques that are part of the image of the business.
Our antique collection is legendary and without exaggeration, there are thousands of dollars’ worth of antique tools, hardware, housewares, documents, pictures, cans, and bottles. They belong to the store and will go with it. The present owners have operated the store for over 40 years and are ready to pass it on to a new owner who appreciates how special it is. Want to learn more about this amazing business opportunity? We are open from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sundays. Come and see us we are at 5836 Dunsmuir Avenue Dunsmuir, California, or call (530) 235-4539.